Protecting the innocent while seeking justice.

Making Hard Decisions Easier

Soltuions for Family Disputes

" I develop legal solutions for South Carolina families and help them through the difficult times that accompany divorce and separation. "

Mathias Chaplin



Legal Separation

Division of Property


Child Custody & Visitation

Child Support

Child Neglect & Child Abuse

Family Law Practice Area

The lawyer you choose, will make a difference

Mathias G. Chaplin has a strong family law reputation. Put that reputation to work for your family and get the help you deserve when you’re ready.

Let's Get Started On Your Case

Family Law

Work with an attorney who has your family's best interest in mind.

Many family law processes can result in high-cost litigation and prolonged disputes. If your goal is to minimize the time or costs of a divorce or other family law action, I can help. My family law practice is focused on successfully resolving family law disputes while remaining mindful of the costs and commitments of my clients.

My cases range from high-stakes disputes involving complex property division and spousal support to amicable, low-cost uncontested divorces.

The divorce settlement is the backbone of what will happen to your family down the road.  The Law Office of Mathias G. Chaplin makes sure to know your family needs, and then I do everything within the law to get it for you.  If I can negotiate, I will; if I need to litigate; I will.

Signing a divorce decree

The rules governing family law in South Carolina are complex and often involve a devastating time period for everyone involved. I am able to provide you with the individual attention you need to serve your best interest. I will give you advice, explain your rights, present your legal options and develop the best strategy to ensure your family’s needs are met.

My unique combination of talent, experience and exclusive focus on family gives you the benefit of having a knowledgeable representative fight to make sure your interests are protected. I endeavor to settle your case amicably but I am willing to aggressively take your case to court.

Splitting assets in a separation

Divorce & Legal Separation

If you and/or your spouse seek legal separation, similar rules to divorce apply. However, the grounds are not as strict and the judges do not require as much proof. Although you remain married, the following become legally defined:

Gravel on desk in court

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Available 365 Days A Year - Including Nights

Child Custody & Visitation

The state encourages both parents to remain engaged and involved in their child’s life, however, family court judges consider a broad range of factors when deciding where a child will spend his or her nights and how much time each parent will spend with a child.

Law Office of Mathias G. Chaplin, PA
Law Office of Mathias G. Chaplin, PA

Child Support

Child support orders are based on two primary factors:

Generally, the non-custodial parent, or the parent whose income is the highest, pays support to the other parent for the time period that the children are not in his or her custody. In other words, the more time the non-custodial parent spends with the children, the less child support s/he will be ordered to pay to the custodial parent.