The following is a list of 14 “Dirty Tricks” used by DSS, that they don’t want you to know:
DCFS/CPS/DSS will PRETEND to help you, when in actuality they are gathering evidence against you.
· Beware of these tactics and
· Don’t give them the ammunition to use against you.
Some DCFS/CPS/DSS agents DO want to help you and the families they serve, and some don’t. You can believe that the system as a whole is on the negative side of this coin. It is estimated that Child Protective Services takes about 25% of the children of the families it services. Most Child Protective Services agents don’t know or respect the restrictions in the law against taking children. The sad fact here is that no one holds them accountable. Even the judges have not been able to reign them in, so these “outlaws” do as they please and not what the law allows or requires….